Got Grace!
Sharing the Gospel of the Lord Through Ministry Programs
A Place To Rebuild and Strengthen Your Faith in Jesus Christ
Amazing Grace Community of Faith is a church whose mission is to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. This way, we can open our doors to the dechurched, unchurched, and those who are looking for a new kind of church. Whether you are in search of a new house of worship or you just need a way to restore your faith, you can count on us to help you out.
A Place To Rebuild and Strengthen Your Faith in Jesus Christ
Amazing Grace Community of Faith is a church whose mission is to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. This way, we can open our doors to the dechurched, unchurched, and those who are looking for a new church. Whether you are in search of a new house of worship or you just need a way to restore your faith, you can count on us to help you out.
The “Got Grace!” Mission
To be the Hands and Feet of Jesus Christ to the dechurched, unchurched, and those who long for a new church; to embody and live out the gospel by intentionally transforming the communal landscape in a measurable and sustainable way.

We Are a Home for Everyone
For the Unchurched
These are the individuals who have not attended a church service in the past six months, excluding special events such as weddings or funerals. Being unchurched does not necessarily mean you are no longer a believer in Christ. It simply means you no longer attend church and do not associate yourself with one.
For the Dechurched
Similar to the unchurched, dechurched people are those who used to be active churchgoers but are now inactive in attending religious masses and services. Although they are still Christians, some dechurched people have evidently weakened their faith and are no longer interested in any form of church activities.
For the Ones Looking for a New Church
Finding a new place of worship could sometimes be a struggle, especially to today’s generation of young adults. It is important that you attend a church where you can learn from good sermons and be able to participate in worship services. Additionally, you must seek a church with welcoming leaders that values your beliefs in life.

What We Do
Our church offers a wide variety of ministry programs ranging from:
Join Our Fellowship With Jesus
Be blessed by the Lord’s divine kindness with help from the Amazing Grace Community of Faith. For inquiries on how you can join our church, kindly reach out to us today.